Romance Scams – Fraud

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The capital recovery process can be a lengthy one and requires perseverance. That’s why it is crucial for our clients to be prepared and trust every step we take. Therefore, if for any reason you have doubts, you can apply for a full refund within the first 14 business days of the process. At Carter Logan Law Firm, we want to ensure that you are informed about everything you need to know regarding love scams and fraud. While our primary focus is assisting clients in recovering financial losses from scams or fraudulent activities, ideally, we aim to help you avoid these scams in the first place. Therefore, stay vigilant and well-informed.

What is a romance scam?

Romance scams come in various types, but overall, they are schemes where fraudsters pretend to have romantic feelings towards their victims. The aim is to lure the targets and eventually convince them to send or gift money or valuables to the scammers. Nowadays, these scams often originate on platforms like Tinder and other dating websites. Romance scams can have devastating consequences for the victims. Apart from the financial loss and/or loss of valuable assets, victims often experience heartbreak, feel extremely vulnerable, and may struggle to trust again for a considerable period of time. This type of scam is particularly cruel and can have long-lasting effects on those who find themselves caught in it.

Here are the main types of popular love scams:

“Classic” Romance Scams

In these situations, individuals using dating websites or applications would connect or match with potential partners and engage in conversations with them. However, this person is a scammer who will attempt to establish a close relationship with their target and appear genuinely interested in building a connection. Things may progress quickly, and the victim may feel flattered, believing they have found the perfect partner they have been searching for. The scammer often insists on meeting in person as soon as possible and may bombard the victim with messages expressing their emotions and plans for the future. However, at some point, the scammer will ask for money or gifts. Their requests can be highly persuasive, leveraging the emotional connection they have carefully crafted with their target to convince them without raising suspicion. Once money or gifts are given, the requests from the scammer become frequent until the victim starts to realize what is happening and questions the scammer. At this point, the scammer typically becomes pushy or, more likely, disappears completely when it becomes apparent that no further funds will be provided.

“Pig-killing” scam

The so-called “pig slaughter” scam is a relatively new scam that originated in China in 2020. It combines elements of romance scams and investment scams. The unfolding of this scam follows a similar pattern as the “traditional” romance scams outlined above. However, once the fraudsters successfully feign romantic feelings towards the victims and establish a connection, they will then request (or suggest) that their targets invest in fraudulent or fictitious business ventures. According to statistics, this scam has primarily targeted well-educated women in their twenties and thirties, and the average amount lost by victims is a staggering $98,000.

“Military” Romance Scam

This is another widely spread romance scam. In this case, scammers conduct research to create a convincing persona by uploading detailed information about themselves as military personnel on dating websites. The fraudsters typically target individuals they discover to have some affiliation or connection to the military: they can find this information by reading personal profiles or searching relevant Facebook groups. Once the scammers identify a susceptible target, the typical pattern unfolds: seeking a rapid escalation of the relationship. Within a short period, people are asked for money or gift cards. When the victim requests to meet in person, the scammers claim that they are currently deployed overseas.

Identity Theft.

This type of romance scam doesn’t involve persuading the victim to directly hand over funds but rather focuses on identity theft. This scam often involves the victim (active on dating websites) receiving an email from an individual they have been matched with. The target will be invited to click a link to view some photos of the person they’ve been in contact with. Unfortunately, once the link is clicked, the scammers gain access to the victim’s device, thereby obtaining a significant amount of personal details. These details may include the victim’s date of birth, address, credit card numbers, and banking information, which could be used for account takeovers or issuing loans in the victim’s name. Through this form of romance scam, the scammers target victims and create the impression of a close connection, persuading them to facilitate the transfer of illicit funds as a method of money laundering. The scammers may send money, cell phones, or valuable items to the victims and convince them to send these items to other locations. It is crucial to avoid falling for such scams; victims may find themselves entangled in an extensive criminal network, making it difficult and dangerous to extricate themselves from it.

Key Points.

Romance scams come in various forms and scales – we have listed the most common scams above. They are highly prevalent, and scammers often target individuals who use dating apps or websites.

It is estimated that approximately $300 million is lost each year due to romance scams.

Romance scam victims experience an average loss of around $2,500.

It is crucial to remain vigilant as different types of scams frequently occur.

In 2020, romance scams ranked as the second-largest loss in online crimes.

According to statistics, women are more likely than men to become victims of romance scams.

Companies such as Carter Logan Law Office help recover the majority of funds lost in various types of romance scams by tracing the stolen funds and confronting the scammers.

Be cautious of potential risks when dating online (or offline). Never disclose personal information too quickly – it’s best to wait until you have met in person at least a few times. Stay alert to anyone or any proposals that sound “too good to be true,” and it’s usually best to walk away if there are requests for money or gifts. Trust your instincts – if something feels “off,” cease communication with that person. If appropriate, report the individual through the processes outlined on the dating platform website.

If you have been deceived and suffered financial losses due to a romance scam, here is what you should do next.

Those who become victims of romance scams often experience heartbreak, vulnerability, and the burden of significant financial losses. These feelings make seeking help and compensation even more challenging – victims may even feel embarrassed or ashamed, making it harder to figure out what to do next.

However, at Carter Logan Law Office, we have an expert team dedicated to recovering money lost due to romance scams. We employ various means to trace the scammers and reunite victims with their stolen funds.

You will be assigned a social worker who will provide you with support throughout the entire process and keep you updated with the latest information.

If you would like us to review your case and determine if we believe we can succeed, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can begin the process of recovering your funds and seeking the justice you deserve.

How to Avoid Romance Scams

Please be mindful of the publicly visible content you post online: Romance scammers can use social media to better target their victims and gather more information about them, which they can then exploit for their own gain. Be cautious of anyone on dating websites who quickly requests direct communication rather than engaging through the dating platform. Take it slow and don’t feel pressured to meet or share personal information until you’re ready. Research the person’s images and name to check if they have been used elsewhere online. Never send money or gifts to someone you have only interacted with online. Do not send any content or photos that could potentially be used to blackmail you in the future. If someone expresses a desire to meet but consistently makes excuses or backs out at the last minute, be cautious.

Are romance scams common?

Unfortunately, that is correct. Romance scams result in more losses each year than any other category of fraud tracked by the Federal Trade Commission.

Where do scammers find their victims?

Dating websites and applications are common, but scammers also create fake profiles on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to lure victims. In the latter scenario, scammers may send you friend requests or unsolicited messages, potentially claiming to know mutual friends or attend the same school as a means to establish communication channels.

What is a romantic inheritance scam?

In this type of romance scam, the fraudster convinces individuals with whom they have a “relationship” to marry them quickly in order to obtain a substantial inheritance. If the victim agrees, the scammer then attempts to persuade them to wire a large sum of money to cover airplane tickets and relocation expenses.

Can personal information expose romance scammers?

While personal profiles alone cannot determine whether you are connecting or matching with potential partners on dating websites, it is crucial to examine their profiles carefully. Are they complete or incomplete? Be cautious of partially filled profiles, profiles with only basic information, profiles without photos, or profiles with blurry or unclear images.

What questions can we ask to help spot love scammers?

In most cases, scammers will impersonate someone who grew up in the same area or currently resides near you, when in reality, they are often located in a completely different country and may have never set foot near your location. Therefore, asking where they grew up can be helpful. Scammers may provide a vague answer, so be sure to inquire for specific details. If they claim to have grown up in the Chicago area, ask them which street or suburb they lived on. You can also ask about the schools or universities they attended and their favorite restaurants in the areas they claim to have lived in. Ideally, ask if they are willing to have a video chat as soon as possible; it is one of the best ways to verify if someone is who they claim to be.

What is the fastest growing love scam?

The “Pig Farm” romance scam first emerged in 2020 and has been increasingly favored by fraudsters. This scam involves victims being persuaded to invest in fraudulent business claims, often related to cryptocurrency.

What is the biggest romantic love scam to date?

In 2021, eight Nigerian men appeared in a South African court, charged with engaging in a decade-long scam involving over a hundred American women. During this ten-year period, the victims of the scammers were defrauded of over 7 million dollars.

I lost money to a love scam. Is there anything I can do to get my money back?

If you find yourself caught in a romance scam and have suffered financial losses as a result, there are still ways to recover some or all of the funds.

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