Our Cases

Case Studies

Let’s See Our Latest Project

Crypto currency

David fell victim to a romance cryptocurrency scam, resulting in a loss of $1 million. With the professional knowledge and expertise of Carter Logan Law Firm, we successfully helped David recover $780,000.


When it comes to divorce or legal separation, our team has extensive skills and experience to provide comprehensive assistance. We understand that divorce is a complex process both emotionally and legally, and we are committed to offering professional, efficient, and fair services to our clients.

Virtual investment

John fell victim to a virtual online investment cryptocurrency scam orchestrated by a woman named Wendy from Asia, resulting in the loss of his entire savings. Through 15 days of relentless effort, Carter Logan Law Office ultimately helped John recover the money he was defrauded of.

Car accident

Our team is comprised of professional car accident lawyers who possess extensive experience and are passionate about their work. With a wealth of experience handling thousands of cases, we are capable of handling virtually any situation.

Insurance claims

In a malicious disability insurance lawsuit against Rural Financial Company, the jury awarded the plaintiff $6.5 million. The claimant, in their early forties, suffered a traumatic brain injury, which subsequently led to severe depression and multiple hospitalizations due to suicidal ideation. The disability insurance company initially approved benefits on a monthly basis but abruptly terminated the claim after one year. Following three weeks of hearings, the jury deliberated for two days and concluded that the actions of the insurance company were malicious and deliberately disregarded the harm caused to the insured individual. The jury ruled that the company should receive $5 million in punitive damages, with each company paying $2.5 million.


If you find yourself in financial distress and wish to speak with the bankruptcy lawyers at Carter Logan Law Firm, you’ve come to the right place. Our firm can assist you in eliminating credit card debt, payday loans, personal loans, medical bills, and other bills and debts. We will cease lawsuits, halt garnishments, prevent bank account seizures, stop judgments, and put an end to foreclosure.

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